Saturday, March 3


It feels a little bit like getting multiple piercings, with a thick needle on a thick piece of skin, and right on top your bones. The body responds to pain with a flood of endorphins, a chemical that is involved in excitement. In search for this flood of endorphins underlies some really crazy actions. For some however, it leads to tattoos. The pain of getting my first tattoo on my ribs yesterday was strangely bearable. It was indeed quite painful, but I felt like I could endure it for quite a long time. Tattoos are permanent; I will forever have Greek lettering on my ribs. I chose the word agape, meaning perfect, unconditional love. Not only is love the most important aspect of life, but unconditional love is the highest meaning, and the only truly permanent aspect of an identity. I know I hinted at a post about surfing, but I haven’t stood up yet, so as soon as I accomplish that goal some time after my fresh tattoo heals, that post will come and rock. Oversimplification is not a simple word at all, ironic.

Although everything in life, apart from unconditional love, is at risk of changing, I am a firm believer that life goes on and one should never dwell, however actions have consequences. In the process of simplifying life, I have forgotten this fact. Life is as simple as you let it be but I have let it be too simple. In the midst of this care-free lifestyle, I left out a very important side of friendships and relations; put yourself in others’ shoes. It is so important to live day by day, however that does not mean without regard for those you are blessed to spend time with.  

Honesty is the biggest form of respect you can give. When being honest with anyone, it demonstrates the magnitude of the value you have for him or her. It also demonstrates how much you are willing to put him or her first. This lesson is drilled into your mind all growing up, yet somehow it never ceases to escape me in a shortage for words. With my “who cares?” attitude in full swing, I also let this slip my mind recently. In a nutshell I have managed to live selfishly and dishonestly in a friendship, all at the expense of another person. I’m a winner if you haven’t picked that up yet.

As I mentioned before, no event should ever be regretted because if you have taken a lesson from it, it was worth it. However sometimes, especially for me, shit hits the fan and that’s easier said than done. Taking your own advice seems to be marginally harder than I thought as well, but here I am biting the crap out of my nails (figuratively), trying to smile sweetly at the bitter lessons I’m learning as I fumble through these college years.

Carpe Diem, carefully. The saying should really go like this, “Carpe Diem, with others in mind, always being honest”.