Sunday, January 22

The Grass Is Always Greener... If You Water It.

It’s been a few weeks since I’ve written anything, this is partially due to business of starting a new semester, and partially due to the fact that nothing has struck me as writeable lately. However recent developments in a friend’s old (and terribly unhealthy) relationship, a new job I quit a day later (that’s a story in itself), and a few odd weekends, my life has once again returned to just as quirky as last semester.

I thought I was ready to return the life of a restaurant worker when this semester started, mostly because I am extra-broke, meaning more broke than usual; however I tricked myself, typical. The lure of free-flowing waitress cash led me to a new restaurant in Santa Barbara last Saturday night. I also tricked myself into thinking I was ready to handle another awful boss, throwback to my senior year of high school working under an insecure, power thriving, passive aggressive Spanish chef with a tendency to cry and make my life miserable. The man interviewing me from this new restaurant reminded me creepily much of this woman from my authority-issue years, with his broken English, bossy nature, and excellent food creating skills. After starting a night at this new restaurant and finding out you cannot serve alcohol in California until you are 21 (18 in Washington), and therefore waitress at all under 21, I realized I was not ready to again sacrifice all my free time for this free-flowing cash. After an awkward phone call explaining why it simply was not a good fit for me to continue to train there, when I really just hated the boss and wanted more money than I was going to make, I returned to my peculiar nannying job. Let me rephrase that; I thought I returned to my nannying job. I got a phone call two days later letting me know that the family would like me for different days of the week. I have yet to figure out what other days those are or when else I can fit some crazy kiddos into my crazy nerdy lab schedule. For now, I have no expected income, a dwindling bank account, and some faith that the Big Man Upstairs is going to make something happen.

While I was sitting through an exceptionally long church service this morning about interpretation of the bible, my mind wandered (oops) to interpreting situations. As shown by many statistics, two people can watch an incident and each walk away with a different perception of the same happening. Recognizing, understanding, and respecting that other’s past and identity shape even current interpretation of life is a profound social skill. However this post is not about social interactions, nor is it about respecting the perspective of others; it is instead about learning your own perspective. Your unique perspective significantly shapes your reaction to every day interactions, and most importantly, life’s most difficult situations.

The measure of a strong person is not how they carry out every day actions, but instead how they respond to being stressed and stretched. Part of life is dealing with situations we would like to opt out of but fortunately (yes I meant fortunately) we cannot, consequently shaping the strong into stronger, and exposing the weak as quitters. Tying one’s perspective into a strong person, I think you have a choice as to how you face these difficult situations. In the storm of a hard time, no matter one’s past influence on current perspective, one has a choice as to how he or she responds the situation. You have control over your perspective. I would encourage all that are facing a difficult situation to choose to conquer.  

A few things I realized today: Celicia (my car, see previous posts for an explanation for her difficult life) is older than most of my friends (DOB circa 1990). She is a little hyperactive, revving up non-stop in neutral. I have yet to make the sign to stick to my window saying, “No, sorry, I don’t want to race you, my car just sucks that bad”. On one hand, I have a $600 car that could break down any moment, sucking gas, and embarrassing me on a daily basis. On another hand I have no car payments, cheap insurance, and a way to get around with relatively good gas mileage. In someone’s eyes (occasionally my own), I am drowning in student loan debt, pinching pennies, all for some form of what America calls education right now. However, I am choosing to take the chance to pursue my dream of being a doctor, learning lessons such as how to work hard, picking up a few social skills at college, and making some friendships I hope last until I stop breathing one day.

Life is never easy, if you think it is no one likes you and you don’t know it. Grab this beautifully difficult life by the ears and say, “I’m going to show you what I’m made of”. Good luck finding life’s ears. Just kidding, that’s all hypothetical. Recognize your perspective on life; be thankful for the lessons you take away from the most difficult days, and never stop counting your blessings. No one feels like they have everything, but in truth you have everything you need if you let it be all you need.