Thursday, May 10

Growing Pains

Thursday=summer blog day! A life lesson a week keeps the doctor away, or something like that. (11:41pm is still Thursday, step 1 to completing blog once a week on Thursdays goal-complete). 
With ending my sophomore year of pre-med/Biochem classes, the hardest year of my undergraduate degree, I think I should feel much more accomplished than I do. Instead of feeling empowered, I feel like a run-down disgrace of a student. I’m sick and taking antibiotics, exhausted, confused, and headed back to work here in Seattle in five hours. I drove my car back from California yesterday. Celicia made it! Her second successful trip between California and Washington was just as smooth as the first. By smooth I do not mean floating in an Escalade smooth, I mean smooth as in no problems like a truly unfortunate member of my family would have had. Celicia is anything but smooth, she bumps with the road and buzzes along like a little race car, but not as cool. I love summer. Celicia must know that because it felt like summer the whole trip, with the heater stuck on. Who doesn’t love a constant stream of warm air right in their face?

Yesterday was my 20th birthday and I had such an amazing day. Any day that includes accidental Asian jokes in places like nail salons and sushi restaurants, misunderstandings about how similar “I just ripped ass” and “Man that guy ate fast” sound, and quality friend time is a day I feel blessed to be a part of.

On a completely related note to ass and birthdays, I am coming to realize I don’t like to instigate conflict. However once in the midst of conflict, bring it on, I just don’t want to start it. Thank you Momma Annabelle for the very obvious comment of “Uh, Chelsea, who does?” Good point Annabelle, good point. Annabelle 1, Chelsea 0.

When I started writing this post, I was, and still am, in the process of deciding where to spend my summer. When my mom heard I was blogging she said, “Oh gosh is it a rant? Great”. No this is not a rant, its more of a discussion, or a disagreement, with myself. On one hand, I have Seattle with a great but gamble of a job and I have family. However Santa Barbara holds the key to my heart where I have been offered a job and a great (cheap) place to live. My hopes in writing about this, which happens often when I write, is that I will walk away from this knowing more of where my heart truly lies on one side of the decision. In making this decision, I have been consulting a lot of people. I love talking through things and listening to perspectives in decision-making and have done quite the amount of talking and listening. The other thing I would love is input from my readers, if you have a thought on this please don’t hesitate to shoot me an email on the email above!

In Santa Barbara I have a job offer that should make me enough money to live, and save about $3000 for living during the school year. I would also get to be in sunny California near most of my friends, a boyfriend, and a beach. A summer of surf and work would be in future. On the other side of the spectrum I have Seattle, with family, a few friends, a chance to put away more money but only a gamble. The first summer at the restaurant I usually return to I made around $10,000. The second summer I walked away with $5,000. This summer the weather is supposed to be good, meaning more money than last, however the restaurant business is risky and so is the weather in Seattle.

As the days to make a decision about draw to a close and I start the process of accepting my nanny position to lock in moving, my last prayer is that my parents begin to respect the decision I will end up making about this. Unfortunately for me, I am bull headed enough to stand firm on decisions even against my parents. As they said today in our discussion, “That trait alone will get you far in life, but it will also cause you to make a lot of mistakes”. I’m good at making mistakes. It’s a terrible thing to be good at.

It saddens me to think of what I will miss out on over the summer here in Seattle. I will miss my dad’s 40th birthday (young, right?), time with my siblings, and soccer games. Despite all of that, my heart is in California. If I could pick up my family (figuratively) and take them with me to California my heart would be complete. But as I know I have discussed before, I have two lives, one here in Seattle and one in California. The gap is growing wider and after spending a total of 18 months in California, I don’t know that I could live here for 4 months. I wish the chance of more money and family was enough to keep me for that amount of time. Seattle is where I grew up, not where I currently reside, and not where I feel at home anymore.

One of the biggest ideas swaying me into leaving early is that money is no longer of the highest value in my life. At one point I was working an insane amount, supervising a restaurant at 17 years old, and in search of money to spend; also successfully making money to spend. These are growing pains because my priorities are changing, I’m changing, and I’m doing it from two states away from my family. I also call this time in my life a time of growing pains because it hurts. It is painful to leave where you grew up for good, and painful to hurt your family in the process. It breaks my heart to break my parents’ hearts, but yet another thing I am unfortunately good at.

If I could redo this whole process of living in California for the summer I would have told my family months ago I was thinking about not being in Seattle for the summer. I made the mistake of saying nothing until heading back up to Seattle. I have never regretted going to school two states away, and would not trade the two years I’ve had in California for anything, but I am so jealous of the people that have family within hours of driving. It takes me hundreds of dollars and a plane trip, or two days of a road trip, to get to my family. Because of that, I made a home away from home, which is now winning out over my home.

I am not only learning lessons in honesty but also on bringing up the difficult things in life. I want to keep the peace, as does anyone, but that is a downfall in most situations. Sometimes hard, lose-lose decisions must be made and uncomfortable topics must be talked about, but this is part of a life worth living.